Monday, November 5, 2012

November is Write a Blog a Day Month

In the spirit of National Novel Writing Month in November, I have decided to do some writing of my own. I'm not going to try to write a novel -- frankly I don't think I have a novel in me, and I'm fine with that. I am, however, going to write a blog a day. It's a creative exercise on a level that I'm better at working with, but it's still a creative exercise.

What that's you say? Today is already the fifth of November and I'm already five days behind? I do realize that, and I'm just going to start now and finish out the month. Depending on how many ideas I have, I may even do four or five extra days into December just to keep myself honest.

For those of you out there who have followed my blog -- all two or one of you -- you know that I don't exactly update this thing all the time. I enjoy writing when I have ideas, but unfortunately, I'm not struck with ideas that sufficiently inspire me very often. The idea behind writing a blog a day for a month is to make myself write, even when inspiration hasn't necessarily hit. This is sort of an exercise in endurance. Not necessarily enduring the writing, that's the easy part, but forcing myself to write even when I don't have anything in particular that is trying to burst out of me. I suppose writer's block is not a new story, but this is what I'm doing to get over it.

All of that being said, I'm going to log out for the night. I do actually have a couple of ideas in embryo ready to be fleshed out, but I've got a month more of blogs coming, so I think I'll save them for later.

1 comment:

  1. Do it, girl - don't give up. The way I see it, November has 30 days - that's only 29 more to go (and who says November has to end on dec. 1?)
