The Travel Channel has a show called Ghost Adventures, or as I like to call it Ghosts and Douches. Three twenty-something frat boys go to know "haunted" buildings and shut themselves in overnight. They walk around with an assortment of ghost-detecting equipment and cameras. The usual mumbo jumbo of inaudible voice recordings and strange electrical readings follows, with a conspicuous absence of actual proof of supernatural activities. Needless to say, I love watching this show.
Tonight, I was flipping through channels on the TV and found a Ghosts and Douches marathon. I was reminded again how much I enjoy the ridiculousness of the show, and I had to share. The best parts of the show are the unscripted things the guys say, and below are some of the best moments, provided for your enjoyment...
"Dude, did you hear that?!"
"Is anyone in here with me?"
"I swear to god my calf kind of burns right now, bro." "Bro, that's not good."
"Did someone die in here? Is this a good spot?"
"Once we go in here, this is like the gates of hell!"
"I thought one of the guys behind me had slapped me on the behind, and I turned around and no one was there."
"Just be calm. Take a deep breath!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
"If history can talk, I'm listening to this book speak to me, right now."
And, to take us home, my very favorite moment:
"Are you touching me right now Raymond?"
Ghosts and Douches is my favorite.
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