When I’m golfing and I line up the shot, make sure my stance and grip are all correct, swing carefully and precisely, and completely and totally miss the ball and instead get a huge chunk of air. I just have to laugh.
Late at night when I can’t sleep and I’m desperate for something on TV to distract my churning brain but there is nothing on TV except for Billy Mays infomercials. It seems OxiClean really is the answer to all my troubles, and I’m so glad Mr. Mays took the time to shout it to me. He is definitely missed.
Pulling an all-nighter to do homework because I have procrastinated the work and now it’s due in 5 hours, as soon as I get to class. Something about producing good work when I’m on a ridiculously tight deadline feels so much more satisfying than getting it done boringly ahead of time.
Being stressed for time at work and being pulled four different directions by eight different people as I’m working to meet looming deadlines. I’m sure it’ll get old eventually, but having a job where what I do makes a difference and people rely on me is refreshing after the dead-end gigs I pulled for several years.
Talking about other people’s misfortunes and drama is usually frowned on as something no polite person does, I know, but other people just make their misfortunes and drama so darn interesting that I have to gossip about it.
When my brothers and I are all hanging out and someone brings up a touchy or sensitive subject, I love pushing buttons and getting a sibling or two all red faced and worked up. Using my life-long knowledge of what makes them tick is just too much fun to pass up, and familial discord is always good for a laugh.
Crappy hostess doughnuts – the kind with powdered sugar on the outside and “raspberry” filling in the middle. I know they are horrible for me and chock-full of chemicals, but I love them. Tasty, tasty preservative goodness.
When I’ve got a captive audience of small children, usually relatives, I will tell them things that aren’t, in the strictest sense of the word, true. I wouldn’t make things up about anything important, just silly stories that take advantage of their gullibility. Is it so wrong to abuse the trust of the innocents in order to get some giggles? Well, when I put it that way I have to say yes, it is wrong, but it’s still fun.
When I’m done eating and I still have food on my plate, I will play with it until it becomes a big, smooshy mess. Then I’ll create art and fantastical sculptures with said smooshy mess. I know this is the kind of thing I should have outgrown about 20 years ago, but I’m not quite ready to give up the creative outlet.